Find Someone to Make Your Home Lead Safe

RRP Certified Vetted Contractors
A Renovation, Repair, & Painting (RRP) Certified Vetted Contractor has received the proper EPA training to make a property lead safe.

Certified Vetted Clearance Technicians
Certified Vetted Clearance Technicians perform lead clearance examinations to determine if a property is lead safe.

DIY Property Owners
Do you prefer to do your own renovation or remediation?
It is important to take the EPA RRP class prior to doing any renovation in a pre-1978 home. RRP class will teach you how to use lead safe work practices. They are free RPP classes at the Lead Safe Resource Center, for property owners or those with handyperson experience.
Do you need to obtain your EPA RRP certification?
Visit the page below to sign up for a free RRP class today!