Lead Safe Worker RFQ

(Updated, 05/23/2024) The Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition (Coalition) continues to solicit applications for its Lead Safe Worker Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The goal of this RFQ is to identify and develop a pool of qualified lead safe workers to help make homes and child care spaces lead safe. The Coalition is now actively awarding grants across Cleveland for lead inspection and remediation work.

Lead Safe Workers are critical to helping homes and properties in Cleveland become lead safe. This RFQ seeks to identify individuals and businesses to serve in the following contracted roles:

  • Lead Risk Assessor: Responsible for 1) developing a written inspection, risk assessment, and analysis plan; 2) conducting inspections for lead hazards in a residential unit, child care facility, or school; 3) interpreting results of inspections and risk assessments; 4) identifying hazard control strategies to reduce or eliminate lead exposures; and 5) completing a risk assessment report.
  • Lead Inspector: Perform a surface-by-surface investigation to determine the presence of lead-based paint and provide a report explaining the investigation results.
  • Lead Abatement Contractor: Engage in lead abatement and employ or supervise one or more lead abatement workers.
  • General Contractor with Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Firm Certification: Safely perform renovation, repair, and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, childcare facilities, and pre-schools built before 1978.
  • RRP Certified Individual: Safely perform renovation, repair, and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes and other properties.
  • Lead Clearance Technician: Perform clearance examinations on non-abatement lead projects only.
  • Other Related Lead Safe Workers.

This RFQ is in direct response to the expansion of the Lead Safe Home Fund. The Lead Safe Home Fund, a first-of-its-kind, public-private partnership, provides families and property owners with the resources they need to live lead safe. Thanks to the investors, the Fund has millions of dollars to remediate homes and childcare spaces in Cleveland through multiple Administrators.


Submission Instructions:
To apply, please fill out the application form available here (pdf format) or here (Word format) and ensure all necessary attachments, as listed at the end of the application form, are included. Materials must be in PDF format and emailed to leadsafecleveland@gmail.com. Please use "Statement of Qualifications for Lead Safe Workers" as the subject line of your email. 

Submissions are reviewed on a regular basis. Announcement of selected contractors will occur within 4-6 weeks after submission.

Questions about the RFQ, application, or selection process should be emailed to leadsafecleveland@gmail.com.


RFQ - Click Below to Download

Lead Safe Worker RFQ

LSCC Lead Safe Workers RFQ Application Form (PDF)

LSCC Lead Safe Workers RFQ Application Form (Word)



Related Resources

Learn More About Becoming a Lead Safe Worker