Join the Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition

Lead poisoning affects everyone, so we all - residents, rental property owners, the private sector, philanthropy, health systems, the public sector, and more - need to take responsibility for addressing it. Cleveland has a lead poisoning crisis and we all can do our part to protect Cleveland’s children.

Lead poisoning can cause lifelong, often irreversible, problems that affect education, behavior, and health. No amount of lead exposure is considered safe, yet a recent Case Western Reserve University study found that one in four children in Cleveland is lead poisoned by the time they enter kindergarten.

That’s why Cleveland’s community has come together to form the Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition. 

The Coalition has a single goal: prevent children and families from being lead poisoned.

Started in 2019, today, we have more than 400 members and seven working committees all working to create a lead safe Cleveland. Join us. 

Joining is easy! 

Send us an email letting us know you want to join at Also include how you’d like to get involved. You can also join using the contact form below.  

Join the Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition

Join by Email or Filling out the form