Residents & Families
Lead poisoning is a public health crisis with a housing solution. Exposure of leaded dust in a home is the main source of lead poisoning for children in Cleveland. If you live in a home built before 1978, lead hazards may be present, even if you do not see chipping or peeling paint.
Did you know?
Most children are poisoned by swallowing lead dust from hand to mouth activity. Pregnant women exposed to lead can also transfer it to their fetus.
Lead dust can be found on surfaces subject to wear and tear like doors, windows, porches, and floors.
Lead dust can also be tracked into a home, and is often present in exposed soil that was contaminated by leaded gasoline, peeling paint, or air pollution.
Adults that work around lead may be exposed or bring lead home.

Visit the Lead Safe Resource Center
The Resource Center is our community's one-stop-shop for lead poisoning prevention and is available to answer any questions you may have.

Attend an Upcoming Event
Lead poisoning affects everyone, so we all need to take responsibility for addressing it. Attend an upcoming event to learn more lead poisoning prevention.

"There is help. I've received it. I've received an immense amount of help."
Mother, Community Voice
Residents & Families
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