Remediation & Clearance
Lead Remediation
Remediation means fixing up your property to pass a Lead Clearance. Lead Clearance is the examination that determines your property to be lead safe.
Below is a walk through of the processes of remediation and clearance for your property. After watching the videos, make sure you review the Tips and FAQs.
After checking your property, you are ready to begin the remediation process, if needed.
Remember, remediation is the process by which a property has undergone work to reduce lead hazards and clearance is the process by which a property is determined to be lead safe; free of dust, debris, deteriorated chipping/peeling paint and/or lead dust hazards, confirmed by a lead dust wipe analysis.
There are two types of Lead Remediation though Lead dust hazards can always be present.
- Interim Controls are temporary mitigation strategies that need to be monitored including an environmental clean, at minimum, covering bare soil (mulch), and stabilizing deteriorated paint.
- Abatement is the longer-term mitigation strategy that can last up to 20 years. It includes removing and replacing components (i.e. windows & doors), or covering large surfaces including walls, ceilings, & exposed soil (i.e. remove and replace soil or pave-over) to ensure property is free of all traces of lead.
To comply with the new lead-safe law, the remediation process employs interim control activities to address researched and tested signs of lead risks and hazards. Interim controls are measures that are taken to ensure a property is lead safe. In using interim controls The video below will outline various risks and hazards and the standard interim controls to remediate a property before and/or after a lead clearance.
Our Tips:
- According to federal law, anyone doing remediation - including property owners - have to obtain a Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) certification. Learn more about EPA's RRP certification and training program.
- Ensure all children and pets are not in close proximity to lead mitigation areas.
Lead Remediation FAQs
Can I complete my own remediation?
Per federal law, rental property owners can complete their own remediation only if they use lead safe work practices and have a Renovation, Repair & Painting (RRP) certification. RRP projects are typically performed at the option of the property owner for aesthetic or other reasons, or as an interim control to minimize lead hazards. It is NOT designed to permanently eliminate lead-based hazards. Since RRP projects can disturb lead-based paint in homes and buildings built before 1978, thus creating new lead hazards, individual renovators must be RRP trained and certified, and firms conducting RRP projects must be certified.
Learn more about EPA's RRP certification and training program.
How much does it cost to remediate a property?
There is no standard cost for remediation. Cost is based on the amount of work to be completed.
Interim controls can be used to create a lead safe home and comply with the new Lead Safe Certification requirements. Interim controls are a set of measures designed to temporarily reduce exposure to lead hazards. Interim controls require less intervention and are less costly than the lead free approach of abatement. Interim controls may cost between $500 and $5,000 based on property condition.
If you need financial assistance, please visit CHN Housing Partners.
Do I need to abate my property?
Interim controls can be used to create a lead safe home and comply with the new Lead Safe Certification requirements. You are NOT required to abate your property unless a child living at your property has been identified with an elevated blood lead level.
Who can complete the remediations?
A RRP certified lead safe worker, ‘DIY’ rental property owners with RRP certification, or a lead abatement contractor can complete remediations. A lead abatement contractor maintains a higher level of certification, but all of their services are not required for lead safe remediation. Remember to ask for proof of certification when asking for a contractor.
How long does it take to remediate a property?
On average, lead safe remediation can take between 1 to 3 days and is based upon the condition of your property.
What is cleaning based on HUD standards?
- Pick up large chips and debris with a damp paper towel and throw away in a garbage bag.
- If a HEPA vacuum is available, vacuum all horizontal surfaces, such as tops of window casings, sashes, doors, trim and floors. Give special attention to window troughs, sills, cracks and crevices. Start at the top and work down, cleaning floors last.
- Use two buckets, one for wash water and one for clear water rinse. Wash surfaces with the all-purpose cleaning solution (wear gloves if harsh detergents are used. Start up high and work down to the floors. Follow the wash procedure with the clear water rinse. Change the wash and rinse water frequently (at least once per room) and use disposable towels.
- After the cleaned surfaces have completely air dried, HEPA vacuum all surfaces again.
- Put all cleaning items (towels, disposable mop heads, etc,) in a plastic bag. Tie the bag closed and throw away in garbage. Remove paint chips and empty water down a toilet
- Change the wash and rinse water frequently (at least once per room) and use disposable towels.
- Be sure to wear old washable clothing and avoid smoking or eating while cleaning.

"I can't be responsible for what's happened in the past, but I can be responsible for how I work going forward."
Scott K.
Lead Clearance
Lead Clearance must be passed for a home to be considered lead safe. During the clearance examination, a Clearance Technician or Risk Assessor will visit the property, first conducting a visual assessment to scan for chipping and peeling paint, dust, and/or debris.
Our Tips:
- During Lead Clearance a licensed Clearance Technician or Risk Assessor will:
- Visit Property
- Complete a Visual Property examination
- Accumulate Photo & Dust Wipes
- Samples mailed to Certified Lab
- Submit Results to the Property Owner/Manager
- Pass, Lead Clearance results should be submitted to the city.
- Fail, Remediation then new clearance examination is required.
- Ensure that your property is cleaned within 24 hours of clearance examination.
- Ensure that there is no debris, dust, or peeling paint chips left behind or your property will immediately fail the visual portion of the examination.
- You are encouraged to complete an environmental clean prior to your Lead Clearance.
- Ensure that you and/or your contractor are using lead safe work practices
- If you are a ‘DIY’ Rental Property Owner, ensure that your Lead Clearance is conducted by an independent, third party.
Lead Clearance FAQs
What is a Lead Clearance?
A lead clearance is the process of visual inspecting and testing a property to determine risk of lead poisoning in a home.
Why do I need a Lead Clearance?
A Lead Clearance - either a clearance examination or risk assessment - is required to obtain the Lead Safe Certification.
How much does a Lead Clearance cost?
The average fee for a Lead Clearance is between $250 to $400, but costs may vary.
If you need financial assistance, please visit CHN Housing Partners.
How often should I get a Lead Clearance/For how long is a Lead Clearance good?
By nature, lead safety is temporary and requires ongoing maintenance. For the purposes of the Lead Safe Certification, a passed Lead Clearance is valid for only two years.
Do I need a risk assessment?
According to the new Lead Safe Certification, a risk assessment or inspection is only necessary if you intend to achieve a lead free status. A certified lead free property will be exempt from the Lead Safe Certification for twenty years.
Who can conduct a Lead Clearance?
At minimum a Clearance Technician can conduct a Lead Clearance on non-abatement jobs.
Clearance Technician Definition
Higher level professionals can also conduct a Lead Clearance including an Inspector or Risk Assessor.
How long does it take to receive Lead Clearance results?
Clearance examination results typically take 1 to 5 days to receive a response.
What happens if I fail my Lead Clearance?
If the property fails clearance examination, the property/unit must be re-cleaned and conduct another environmental cleaning and Lead Clearance process.
“How do I conduct clearance sampling after a failed clearance examination? Should sampled leaded dust levels exceed the standards in Chapter 3701-32-19 of the Ohio Administrative Code, cleaning of the failed surface (and any surfaces represented by the failed samples) must be repeated until clearance is achieved. The clearance examiner should explain to the client/Contractor exactly what surfaces in what rooms must be re-cleaned. The re-cleaning should be focused on those types of surfaces where the sampling results indicate that the first round of cleaning was inadequate. For example, if the results for floor dust wipe FAQ 3701-32 and 3701-82 11/2018 23 samples are above the clearance standard, but interior window sill and window trough dust wipe samples are below the clearance standard, only the floors need to be re-cleaned. If a dust wipe sample fails, then all the unsampled surfaces the dust wipe sample represents need to be re-cleaned as well.”
Everyone is strongly urged to complete and environmental cleaning prior to your lead clearance examination. A properly cleaned, well-maintained property will improve your opportunity for passage.
If you think you need special assistance, please call the Lead Safe Hotline at 833-601-5323.
What happens if I do not get a Lead Clearance?
Without a passed clearance examination or risk assessment, a property owner cannot get a Lead Safe Certification. Property owners must have a Lead Safe Certification to rent their property. Failure to obtain your required Lead Safe Certification will result in civil and criminal penalties.